
城市居民能源消费的群体细分与行为特征 被引量:2

Segmentation and behavior characteristics of energy consumption of urban residents
摘要 以沈阳市和大连市两地705位城市居民为样本,采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,通过对能源消费行为和能源消费心理的聚类分析,将城市居民分为低碳型、中间型和高碳型三类群体。研究发现,不同类型的城市居民群体在性别、年龄、家庭人口数、家庭类型、家庭收入、家中是否有儿童和家中是否有老人7种家庭异质性因素上均存在显著差异:女性、年轻的和家庭规模较大的城市居民多为低碳型;低收入家庭的城市居民多为低碳型,高收入家庭的城市居民多为高碳型;一"老"一"小"是我国城市居民能源消费中的关键角色。最后,为引导城市居民进行合理的能源消费提出了政策启示和建议。 This essay adopts the methods of question- naire and interview with a sample of 705 urban residents in She- nyang and Dalian, and based on such two dimensions as energy consumption behavior and psychology, divides the urban resi- dents into three categories: low - carbon, intermediate and high -carbon. Empirical results show that: three categories have significantly differences on the seven variables including gender, age, number of the household members, household type, house- hold income, having children or not and having elderly or not. Then, it summarizes the energy consumption behavioral and psy- chological characteristics and household characteristics of each category; The urban residents are more likely to be low - carbon who are female, young or have larger households; The urban residents of low household income are more likely to be low - carbon while those of high household income be high - carbon; The elderly and the children are critical characters in Chinese household energy consumption. In the end, it provides policy implications and suggestions for guiding urban residents to con- sume energy reasonably.
作者 孙岩 江凌
出处 《城市问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期95-100,共6页 Urban Problems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71103025)
关键词 城市居民 能源消费行为 群体细分 家庭异质性 urban residents energy consumption be-havior group segmentation household heterogeneity
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