
噻托溴铵联合小剂量茶碱治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的疗效 被引量:2

摘要 目的观察联合使用噻托溴铵及小剂量茶碱对稳定期中重度慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPO)患者的疗效,为临床选择治疗方案提供参考依据。方法将92例稳定期中重度COPD患者随机分成5组:A组为噻托溴铵组(n=52),B组为噻托溴铵联合小剂量茶碱组(n=29),C组为茶碱组(n=30。A组单独吸八噻托溴铵18阻g/d;C组单独服用茶碱缓释片,100mg/次,早餐前和睡前各1次;8组同时使用噻托溴铵及茶碱缓释片。疗程为6个月。治疗前后分别检测:(1)肺功能;(2)运动耐力:6min行走距离;(5)生活质量:圣乔治呼吸问卷评分;(4)急性发作次数。结果A组及8组FEV.、FEV,/FVC和FEV./预计值,运动耐力及生活质量较用药前均明显升高,且B组急性加重人次较用药前明显减少,与其他两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。而A组用药前后COPD急性发作次数差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。C组EFEVI、FEV,/FVC和FEVi/预计值,运动耐力,生活质量及COPD急性发作次数用药前后差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论噻托溴铵联合小剂量茶碱能改善稳定期中重度COPD患者肺功能,提高运动耐力,改善生活质量,减少急性发作的次数。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the combination of Tiotropium Bromide and small doses of theophylline in the treatment of stable moderate to severe COPD. Methods 92 patients with stable moderate to severe COPD were divided into three groups. In group A,Tiotropium Bromide was used,the combination of Tiotropium Bromide and small doses of theophylline was used in group B,theophylline was used ingroup C,the duration was 6 months. Pulmonary function,exercise capacity quality of life and acute exerbation frequency were evaluated. Results FEV. FEV, FVC/ FEV, exercise capacity quality of life were improved in group A and B,acute exerbation frequency decreased significantly in group B than that in group A and C. Conclusion The combination of Tiotropium Bromide and small doses of theophylline is effective in the treatment of COPD.
出处 《中国农村卫生》 2013年第02Z期115-116,共2页
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 噻托溴铵 小剂量茶碱 COPD,Tiotropium Bromide,small doses of theophylline
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