
遥感解译在西倾山地区金矿成矿预测中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Remote Sensing Interpretation to Metallogenic Prognosis of Gold Deposit in Xiqingshan Area
摘要 西倾山地区金矿受构造控制特征显著,对该区构造的研究是进行金矿成矿预测的关键。在野外地质调查的基础上,运用遥感解译等方法,对西倾山地区进行了遥感地质与金矿分布规律的研究。结果表明:在西倾山地区,西起南木让,经忠曲金矿和大水金矿,东至军牧场,形成一个北西西向的金矿带。在此金矿带上等距性地分布着4个金矿田或有利成矿区,自西而东依次是南木让金矿田、忠曲金矿田、大水金矿田和军牧场金矿田,它们各自都拥有一批金矿床和金矿点。东部的军牧场地区则是遥感成矿信息的集中区,可能是一个潜在的金矿田。在每个矿田的内部,北西西向的大断裂与北西向、北北东向和北东向断裂集中交汇处,且处于环状构造边缘附近,是金矿床赋存的有利部位,并选定了7个成矿有利区。 Due to the fact that gold deposits in the Xiqingshan area is significantly controlled by tectonic structures, studying the structure of this area is the key of metallogenic prediction. In this paper, based on field geological investigation and remote sensing interpretation method, we studied the remote sensing geology and the gold distribution regulation of the Xiqingshan area. The results showed that: in the Xiqingshan area, a NWW gold deposit belt was formed, west from the Nanmurang, by Zhongqu and Dashui gold deposits, east to the Junmuchang. There are four gold ore fields equidistantly in this gold deposit belt. From west to east, they are Nanmurang gold ore field, Zhongqu gold ore field and Dashui gold ore field. Each of them has a number of gold deposits and gold ore occurrence. The Junmachang area in the east is the centralized area of remote sensing mineralization information, and may become a potential gold ore field. In each ore field, the favorable position of gold deposit is the centralized interchange of the NWW faults with the NW, NNE and NE fault, and near the edge of the ring structure. On this basis, we predicted 7 favorable metallogenic zones.
出处 《西北地质》 CAS CSCD 2013年第3期212-221,共10页 Northwestern Geology
基金 桂林理工大学博士科研启动基金"甘肃南部西倾山东段金矿成矿规律研究与成矿预测"(002401003373) 江西省国土资源厅地质勘查基金"江西塔前-赋春铜多金属成矿带矿田构造与成矿研究"(20120106) "甘肃省碌曲县忠曲金矿岩石地球化学及遥感预测探矿"等项目联合资助
关键词 西倾山地区 遥感解译 金矿 成矿预测 Xiqingshan area interpretation of remote sensing gold deposit metallogenic prognosis
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