在对一例侵袭性血管瘤病ICD-10编码的过程中,除了要掌握国际疾病分类的原则外,还必须对疾病临床资料认真学习,并结合多学科医学知识,多思路分析,才能给予正确的编码D18.0 M9120/0。对于一些罕见疾病,不能只根据诊断名称涵盖的主导词直接查找编码,而需要灵活变换主导词,认真阅读和分析病案,虚心向临床医师及资深编码员请教,积极查找相关的医学书籍和文献,确保罕见疾病编码的准确性。
Coders not only master the principles of ICD, but also study disease clinical data, and combine the multidisciplinary medical knowledge and many thought analysis when in the process of ICD-10 coding of aggressive hemangioma. Finally, coders can give the correct coding D18.0 M9120/0. For some rare disease, coders not only according to the dominant word which is found in diagnosis name directly, but also need to be flexible transformation. Coders should read and analyze the medical record carefully, modestly consult to clinicians and experienced coder, actively search for relevant medical books and literature, ensure the accuracy of the rare disease coding.
Chinese Medical Record