
固定矫治器对错患者牙周组织影响的研究 被引量:34

Effect of fixed appliance on periodontal status of patients with malocclusion
摘要 目的 明确放置固定矫治器是否影响牙周组织的健康。方法 本项研究随机选择 16例错患者 ,在固定矫治器放置前 1周进行临床牙周指标———菌斑指数 (plaqueindex ,PLI)、出血指数(bleedingindex ,BI)和探诊深度 (pocketdepth ,PD)的检查以及龈下细菌的检测 (刚果红染色细菌涂片 ) ,以所测得的数值作为基线水平 ;在固定矫治器放置后 1周、3周、5周和 8周分别进行临床牙周指标检查和龈下细菌的检测。结果 固定矫治器的放置可引起临床牙周指标显著增高 (与治疗前比较 ,P <0 0 0 1)。龈下菌群发生变化 ,球菌减少 (P <0 0 0 5 )、螺旋体增多 (P <0 0 0 1)、梭形菌增多 (P <0 0 1)。结论 固定矫治器的放置可影响牙周组织的健康 。 Objective To dertermine if the fixed appliance will affect the periodontal health Methods Sixteen patients with malocclusion were randomly selected One week before the fixed appliance placement, plaque index (PLI), bleeding index (BI), pocket depth (PD) and subgingival plaque were assessed The observed value was served as the basline vecords Results After the fixed appliance placement, significant differences were found in PLI,BI,PD and these values were significantly greater than the baseline Subgingival microfloral shifted to a more disease inducing microflora and there was a statistically significant increase in spirochetes and fusiform Conclusion Fixed appliance placement will affect the periodontal health Therefore , it is very important to strengthen the oral hygiene instruction to the people who receive the treatment of fixed appliance
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期286-288,共3页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
关键词 固定矫治器 龈下菌斑 错HE 牙周组织 Fixed appliance Periodontal health Subgingival plaque
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  • 1阎福华,中华口腔医学杂志,1995年,30卷,40页
  • 2孟焕新,上海口腔医学,1994年,3期,82页
  • 3黎芮,中华口腔医学杂志,1992年,27卷,70页
  • 4曹剑宁,北京医科大学学报,1988年,20卷,369页





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