

Discussion on Linkingthe Masses to the United Front Work
摘要 随着改革开放以来我国经济结构和社会结构的深刻变化,当前"群众"主体多元的现实以及"群众"群体分层中呈现的多样化和知识性等特征加强的趋势,表明"群众"群体已趋向于与统一战线工作的对象主体特征相一致。过去统战工作作为特殊的群众工作,是就其对象的特殊性而言的,即其所做的群众工作是针对与普通群众相对应的精英和各界代表人士的。可当下"群众"群体新出现的一系列特征,逐渐弥合了过去普通群众与特殊"群众"的区分,其实质是"特殊"群众的数量越来越扩大,统战工作的面空前地拓宽。统一战线在历史上已经表现出了卓越的做群众工作的优势和有效性,因此把群众工作纳入统一战线工作在当今不仅必要而且可能。 With the profound changes of economic and social structures since the policy of reform and o- pening-up, the features of pluralistic reality in the masses, the appearance of civil commercial chambers and civil social associations, the trends of strengthening presented diversity and informative characteris- tics among the masses indicates that the masses have tended to be the object in the United Front work. Aiming to achieve common goals, composed by different classes, levels, political parties, organizations, ethnic groups, the United Front is the alliance beyond common interests. Namely, the United Front is also regarded as the "club" of the representatives from different classes, different political parties and organizations in which people express their hopes and wishes for economy, politics or culture. As one of the elements in modern Chinese politics, the United Front in the past, present and future has always been making contribution for CPC in widening political participation and parties communication between CPC and non-CPC, the ruling party and the participating parties. Hence, it is not only necessary but possible to link the masses to the United Front work.
作者 梁念琼
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期18-24,共7页 Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 中国共产党 群众工作 统一战线 群众主体多元 执政稳定性 the Communist Party of China (CPC) mass work the United Front work the plural sub-ject governing stability
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