
宗教改革与西方早期体育 被引量:4

Reformation and Western Early Sports
摘要 采用文献资料法、内容分析法以及历史分析法对16世纪欧洲宗教改革的主要思潮进行解读,深入挖掘其所蕴含的身体观和体育观,并在此基础上探寻宗教改革与西方早期体育的关系。研究发现宗教改革对西方早期体育人文思想的传播、群众体育的时兴、学校体育的萌发,以及近代竞技体育甚至现代奥林匹克运动的诞生都起到了推动作用。但由于宗教改革所形成的新教伦理推崇克己谨守,使得休闲娱乐体育以及以对抗争胜为特征的竞技体育只能在一定限度内获得成长。因此,宗教改革之于西方早期体育的开创作用不容小觑;但对于体育的继续成长则有辖制之虞。 With the methods of literature review,content analysis and historical analysis,the paper interpreted main thoughts with the view of flesh and sport in Reformation of the 16th century,on the basis of which the relation between Reformation and Western early sport is deeply explored.It found that the Reformation had great promoting roles in the spreading of humanistic ideas of Western early sports,booming of mass sports,budding of school sports,and emerging of modern competitive sports and even the birth of modern Olympic Games.While,due to prudent spirit in Protestantism born from Reformation,the free development of recreation and competitive sports were hindered in a sense.In brief,Reformation played a great positive role on the start of the Western early sport,while proved some negative impact on the continued development of it.
作者 李艳华
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期52-57,共6页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 河南科技大学青年科学基金资助项目(2013QN059) 北京体育大学博士论文(部分)
关键词 宗教改革 身体观 体育观 西方早期体育 Reformation view of flesh view of sports Western early sports
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