知识经济的召唤 ,给教育带来空前的压力 ,也带来了空前的机遇与挑战 ,要适应并推进知识经济 ,教育必须实施重大变革 ,包括应明确教育是生产性投资 ,是产业 ;树立终身学习的观念 ;培养创新能力的学习方法 ;学龄、学制不必拘泥划一 ;逐步并加速推进教学软硬件的应用。
Knowldage-based economy has brought about unprecedented pressure and challenges as well as opportunities for education.To meet the requirements of the development of knowledge-based economy,education is to experience a large-scale reformation and revolution.As an industry in need of productive investment and a life-long task on the part of all people,education is to cultivate the students'creative abilities,disregarding their age and the schooling systems with all possible natural and intellectual resources including CAI appliances.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College