背景:复合磷酸钙骨植入材料的物理结构和无机成分与人体骨相似,具有良好的生物可吸收性和生物相容性。研究证实续断细粉能明显提高骨缺损修复速度。目的:观察川续断复合磷酸钙骨复合植入材料修复骨缺损的效果。方法:在新西兰大白兔双侧下颌骨体部制备长约1.0 cm、宽约0.5 cm、深约0.3 cm的骨缺损,右侧植入川续断复合磷酸钙材料作为实验组,左侧植入磷酸钙骨材料作为对照组。植入后4,8,12周取材,进行大体观察、CBCT检测、扫描电镜、组织学观察。结果与结论:①大体观察:实验组成骨速度、材料降解率及硬度高于对照组。②CBCT检测:实验组材料与周围组织结合紧密度强于对照组,且材料降解速度快于对照组。③扫描电镜:两组材料与周围正常骨组织间大多由纤维结缔组织充盈,实验组比对照组更为紧密,空隙更加微小,随着时间的增加,材料与周围正常骨组织的结合更为紧密。④组织学观察:实验组成骨速度及成骨活性优于对照组。表明川续断复合磷酸钙骨植入材料具有明显加速成骨的作用。
BACKGROUND:Physical structure and inorganic composition of composite calcium phosphate bone implants are similar to human bone, and the implants have good bioabsorbable ability and biocompatibility. Studies have confirmed that Dipsacus powder can significantly improve the speed of bone defect repair.
OBJECTIVE:To study the effects of Dipsacus asperoides/composite calsium phosphate bone implant material in the repair of bone defects.
METHODS:Bone defects of 1.0 cm×0.5 cm×0.3 cm were made on the bilateral mandibular bodies. The right side was implanted with Dipsacus asperoides/composite calsium phosphate bone implant as experimental group and the left side implanted with calcium phosphate bone material served as control group. Samples were col ected at 4, 8, 12 weeks after implantation for gross observation, cone beam CT, scanning electron microscope observation and histological observation.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1) Gross observation:the osteogenic speed, degradation rate and hardness in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group. (2) Cone beam CT detection:the implant in the experimental group was more tightly integrated with the surrounding tissues than that in the control group, and the degradation speed in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group. (3) Scanning electron microscope observation:there were many fibrous connective tissues between the implants and the surrounding tissues in the two groups, which was more obvious in the experimental group than the control group. With time gone, the implants were combined with the surrounding tissues more tightly. (4) Histological observation:the osteogenic speed and activity in the experimental group were superior to those in the control group. These findings indicate that Dipsacus asperoides combined with composite calcium phosphate bone implant can accelerate bone repair.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research