

Production and Demand of Global Agricultural Products and Prices Outlook
摘要 2013年以来,国际市场粮食、大豆和食糖等主要农产品价格总体呈震荡下行走势。未来一段时期,全球主要农产品产需形势将朝着趋于宽松方向发展,价格走势应以下跌为主。 Global prices of grain, soybean and sugar have showed a general weak decreased trend since 2013. Looking forward to the future, the production and demand situation of global agricultural products will move in a loose and comfortable direction, and the prices will mainly decline in later days.
作者 朱险峰
出处 《农业展望》 2013年第9期4-5,共2页 Agricultural Outlook
关键词 全球 农产品 产需 价格 展望 global agricultural products production and demand price outlook
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  • 1美国农业部产需形势报告[EB/OL].[2013-08-15].http ://www. usda. gov/oce/commodity/wasde/index, htm.
  • 2徐雪.2012/13榨季中国食糖市场分析与展望[J].农业展望,2013,9(6):18-21. 被引量:1
  • 3华尔街日报:亚洲大米供过于求现象或加剧[EB/OL].[ 2013 - 08 - 15 ]. http : / / news. xinhuanet, com/ cankao/ 2013 -08/01/c_132594155. htm.
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