
国家和社会的协同治理——以地方政府创新为视角 被引量:32

Cooperative Governance of State and Society:From the Perspective of Local Government Innovation
摘要 国家和社会的协同治理以社会的存在和壮大为前提条件。社会的存在和发展需要有活动空间、权利保障、资源保障和能力保障。研究表明,在上述四大类别的地方政府创新中,目前,能力建设类地方政府创新最为薄弱,空间让渡和资源引导类的地方政府创新也较为薄弱。权利保障方面更重视选举权和被选举权、知情权和监督权。协同治理迫切需要的结社权、组织内部自治权、意见表达权、社会公共服务行业准入权等权利仍受到种种限制。 The existence and expansion of society is a prerequisite for cooperative governance between state and society. Space, rights, resources and capacity are the guarantees of social existence and development. Research shows that capacity building is the weakest of the four local government innovations, and space release and re- source guidance are also relatively weak. In terms of guaranteeing rights, the rights to vote, to be elected, to know and to supervise should be given more attention. The rights to association, autonomy in organization, expressing views, and public service industry entry are still restricted.
作者 何增科
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期109-116,共8页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
关键词 国家与社会 协同治理 地方政府创新 State and Society Cooperative Governance Local Government Innovation
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