
我国高校章程建设的逻辑起点及其当前困境 被引量:8

The Logical Starting Point to Construction for the University Charter of China and Current Dilemma
摘要 高校章程本质上是一种契约,当前我国大力加强高校章程建设就是为了实现依法治校、大学自治的目标,对高等教育管理体制改革具有重大意义。但教育管理体制惯性、法律权威性不足、制定主体不明确以及对治理结构规定不清晰等体制或技术性因素仍困扰着高校章程制定和建设进程。因此,要从教育管理体制改革、完善法律规制、明确制定主体以及建构合理大学治理结构等多个角度推进和引导高校章程建设。 The university charter is a kind of contract essentially. At present ,our country is strengthening the construction of university charter vigorously in order to achieve the goal of running school affairs according to the law and university autonomy,and it also provides great significance to the reform of higher education system. However,there are some factors,such as the inertia of educational system,the shortage of legal authority,the uncertainty of constituting theme and the unclearness of governance structure ,that still perplex the process of building university charter. So we should promote and incite the construction of university charter from the reform of higher education system,improving and perfecting legal system,making clear the constitution theme and building governance construction rationally.
作者 谭胜
出处 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期11-15,共5页 Modern Education Management
关键词 高校章程 契约 依法治校 自主办学 university charter contract running school affairs according to the law university autonomy
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