
中药注射剂临床使用合理性与安全性再评价方法学探讨 被引量:63

Analysis of rational clinical uses of traditional Chinese medicine injections and factors influencing adverse drug reactions
摘要 合理性与安全性是中药注射剂上市后临床再评价的关键问题之一。该研究随机抽取某医院2011年1月—12月份出院患者病历240份,通过12种中药注射剂药品说明书一致性与配伍禁忌评价、药物利用研究(DUR)以及药品不良反应/事件(ADR/ADE)条件Logistic回归分析,综合评价该医院2011年中药注射剂临床使用情况,初步探讨中药注射剂临床使用合理性与安全性再评价方法。研究结果显示该医院2011年中药注射剂临床使用给药剂量、给药浓度、溶媒选择、辨病辨证及四项指标与说明书一致性普遍偏低,其中中药注射剂临床超剂量与超浓度使用情况严重,而给药浓度作为保护因素对于评价和预测中药注射剂ADR/ADE发生具有借鉴意义。因此应进一步加强中药注射剂临床使用合理性与安全性再评价研究,可以综合借鉴药品说明书一致性与配伍禁忌评价、DUR以及ADR/ADE条件Logistic回归分析多种评价方法。 Objective: To rationalize the clinical use and safety are some of the key issues in the surveillance of traditional Chinese medicine injections (TCMIs). Method: In this 2011 study, 240 medical records of patients who had been discharged follow- ing treatment with TCMIs between 1 and 12 month previously were randomly selected from hospital records. Consistency between clini- cal use and the description of TCMIs was evaluated. Research on drug use and adverse drug reactions/events using logistic regression analysis was carried out. Result: There was poor consistency between clinical use and best practice advised in manuals on TCMIs. Over-dosage and overly concentrated administration of TCMIs occurred, with the outcome of modifying properties of the blood. Logistic regression analysis showed that, drug concentration was a valid predictor for both adverse drug reactions/events and benefits associated with TCMIs. Conclusion: Surveillance of rational clinical use and safety of TCMIs finds that clinical use should be consistent with technical drug manual specifications, and drug use should draw on multi-layered logistic regression analysis research to help avoid ad- verse drug reactions/events.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第18期2969-2973,共5页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家"重大新药创制"科技重大专项(2009ZX09502-030) 山东省药学会临床药学奥赛康中青年科研项目(sdpa-ask-201307) 山东省中医药科技发展计划项目(2013104)
关键词 中药注射剂 合理性 安全性 辨病辨证 药物利用研究 药物不良反应 事件 条件LOGISTIC回归分析 traditional Chinese medicine injections rationality safety differentiating disease and syndrome drug use re- search adverse drug reactions/adverse drug events conditional logistic regression analysis
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