测定面包小麦品种的常用品质性状 ,经过选择后 ,确定其蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、SDS沉降值、Zeleny沉降值、Pelshenke值、溶涨值、和面仪曲线和粉质仪曲线特征值及种子贮藏蛋白高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基评分等为研究对象。结果表明 ,同美国优质面包小麦相比 ,首届面包小麦品种的蛋白质含量和沉降值较高 ;面包体积较大 ,但是面包质地品质 (三项品质评分 :平滑度、弹揉性和内部结构 )表现较差 ;研究的 14个品质特征值变幅较大 ,研究材料表现出不同的蛋白质含量和不同的面筋强度等特点 ,通过逐步回归分析 ,对面包体积影响突出的性状是SDS沉降值、粉质仪形成时间、高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基评分和Pelshenke值 ;对面包的质地品质贡献突出的性状是Zeleny沉降值、和面曲线的和面时间。
Testing general quality traits of bread-making wheat,authors taken protein content,wet gluten content,SDS sedimentation value,Zeleny sedimentation value,Pelshenke test value,swelling test value,mixogram curve and farinogram curve as analysis targets.The results shown as followed:1)Comparison with American bread-making wheat cultivar,the protein content,and SDS(or Zeleny) sedimentation value were rich among Chinese bread-making wheat first registed,and loaf volume was big too,but the loaf characteristic quality (loaf smooth degree,loaf elasticity and crumb texture)was bad.2) The variation range of 14 quality traits were very wide,and there were different types about protein content and gluten strength at researched materials.3)So by progressive regression analysis,the contributions of SDS sedimentation value,farinogram development time,HMW (High Molecular Weight) subunits scores of glutenin and Pelshenke test value on loaf volume shown more important than other traits,while effects of Zeleny sedimentation value,mixogram peak time,farinogram development time and Pelshenke test value on loaf characteristic quality were more important.
Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association