
反思型教师与教师教育运动初探 被引量:147

A Tentative Probe into the Reflective Teacher and Teacher Education Movement
摘要 80年代以来发轫于北美大陆的反思型教师与教师教育运动 ,可以看作是对技术型教师观和胜任为本的教师教育模式的一种反动。思想渊源于杜威的反思型教师与教师教育运动 ,之所以能够在 80年代兴起于北美大陆并迅速扩展到世界 ,与教育改革广泛而深入的展开、教师专业化运动的演进、认知心理学的勃兴和教师思维研究运动的兴起与发展 ,以及行动研究运动的前期工作等都有很大的关系。反思型教师与教师教育符合世界教师教育发展的潮流 ,符合我们培养创新人才的要求 ,有助于解决教育研究与教育实践脱节的老大难问题 。 The reflective teacher and teacher education movement, which emerged from North America in 1980's, can be seen as a reaction to the view of teacher as technician and the competence teacher education model. The reason why the reflective teacher and teacher education movement, with its origin of thoughts in John Dewey, can emerge and spread to the world rapidly, was that it has close relationship with the extensive and deep implementation of educational reforms, evolution of the teaching professionalization movement, development of cognitive psychology and the teacher thinking research movement, and preparatory work of the action research movement. The reflective teacher and teacher education movement deserves our research because it is conformity with the trends of world teacher education, accords with our demands of training talents of creative ability, and is conducive to the resolution of the problem of theory and practice divorcing from each other.
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第5期86-92,共7页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
关键词 教师观 教师教育 反思型教师 教育改革 reflection outlook on teacher teaching teacher education
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