
含分层复合材料层合板剪切稳定性数值模拟研究 被引量:5

摘要 对含单一分层的复合材料层合板在纯剪切情况下的稳定性进行了数值模拟研究,分析了分层损伤对于层合板稳定性的影响,并引入内聚力模型(Cohesive Zone Model,CZM),进一步分析了层合板后屈曲过程中的分层扩展行为。通过对不同尺寸的分层损伤的模拟分析,发现层合板的屈曲模式和屈曲临界载荷与分层直径密切相关。随着初始分层损伤区直径的增大,层合板屈曲临界载荷随之减小,且层合板屈曲模式由整体屈曲转变为混合屈曲模式。另外,在初始分层区直径达到一定大小后,层合板在后屈曲过程中会发生分层扩展破坏。 The pure shear buckling behavior of single delamination composite plate was numerically evaluated considering both structural instability and delamination growth in order to clarify the influence of delamination to composite plate stability. Embedded circular delamination was placed at the plate center. A three-dimensional block element was used to discrete the laminate, and a cohesive element was placed at the same plane as the delamination. The cohesive element used a bilinear relationship between traction and relative displacement. Through the numerical study we found the buckling mode and the global buckling critical load of the plate were relative to the diameter of delamination closely, with the increasing of the diameter of delamination, the global buckling critical load of the plate was decreasing, and the buckling mode transferred from global buckling to mixing buckling. In addition, when the initial delamination zone diameter reaches a certain size, in the process of post-buckling the laminate will occur delamination failure.
出处 《机械强度》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期641-645,共5页 Journal of Mechanical Strength
关键词 复合材料 分层 剪切 稳定性 屈曲 Composite Delamination Shear Stability Buckling
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