本实验观察了从新疆产穴居狼蛛(Lycosa singoriensis)的冻干毒腺中提取的粗毒及其经SephadexG-25柱层析分寓所得到的各组分对培养的人肺腺癌细胞的杀伤作用:(1)与对正常人胚的肺细胞、正常人淋巴细胞和红细胞相比,穴居狼蛛毒对培养的SPC-A_1有明显的高杀伤作用。例如用于杀伤50%的SPC-A_1细胞所需的粗毒浓度为25zg/ml,而用于杀伤相同量正常人胚肺细胞和淋巴细胞所需的粗毒浓度分别为600和500Lg/ml,即使将粗毒浓度提高到2000pg/ml,也只能杀伤40%左右的正常人的红细胞。(2)在粗毒的8个分离组分中,第Ⅱ,Ⅳ和Ⅷ组分表现出杀伤SPC-A_1细胞的活性,尤以后两者为明显。(3)粗毒经100℃加热30分钟后,杀伤SPC-A_1细胞的活力稍有下降,但组分Ⅳ和Ⅷ经同样的加温处理后,该活性不变,唯组分Ⅱ在加温后该活性完全丧失。
The spider crude venom(SV)was extracted from lyophilized poison glands of Lycosa singoriensis and was fractionated by means of chromatography on Sephadex G-25 into 8 fractions. It was shown that the minimal dosa of SV to kill 50% (MD50) of the cultured human lung adenocarcinoma cells (SPC-A1) was 25 ug/ml, whereas even 600 ug/ml of SV killed only 30% of the cultured human embryonic lung cells. Human lymphocytes were nearly as resistant as the embryonie lung cells and MD50 of SV on human erythrocyles wan more than 4000 ug/ml. The cytopathie activity on the adenocarcinoma cells was found in fractions III, IV and VIII. Moreover, the cytopathic activity of fraction IV and VIII was found to be heat resistant (100C, 30 min), but that of fraction I was disappeared after the heat treatment.
Lycosa singoriensis, Spider venom, Cultured human lung adenocarcinome ce ll