
蚕丝织物环保阻燃整理体系优化及阻燃机理研究 被引量:3

Optimization of Environmental Friendly Finishing System for Flame Retardancy of Silk Fabric and Elucidation of Flame Retardation Mechanism
摘要 选用反应型有机磷阻燃剂HFPO和超低甲醛含氮交联剂(醚化交联剂TMM)组成的阻燃体系对蚕丝织物进行阻燃整理。运用正交试验法优化阻燃整理体系各组分的质量浓度为:300 g/L阻燃剂HFPO,85 g/L醚化交联剂TMM,18 g/L催化剂MgCl2,15 g/L柔软剂HA-011。用优化的阻燃整理体系对蚕丝织物进行整理后,织物炭长变短,具有优异的阻燃功能,而且织物中的游离甲醛质量比低于25 mg/kg,阻燃体系中醚化交联剂TMM与阻燃剂HFPO之间存在P-N协同效应,织物极限氧指数(LOI)达到37.8%,较未经整理的蚕丝织物提高13.1%。热分析结果表明阻燃整理后的蚕丝蛋白质纤维热分解温度下降,可燃性气体减少,固体炭渣含量增加,属凝聚相阻燃;扫描电子显微镜观察到阻燃整理后的蚕丝织物炭渣形成了薄而致密、平整的连续炭层,可有效地阻止自由基的传递、可燃性气体扩散和氧气供应;X射线衍射分析可知阻燃整理后蚕丝蛋白质纤维的结晶度略有提高,交联反应主要发生在蚕丝蛋白质纤维的无定形区。 Reactive organic phosphorus flame retardant HFPO and nitrogen containing cross-linking agent containing su- per-low formaldehyde (etherified cross-linking agent TMM) were selected to form a flame retardation system for finishing treatment of silk fabric. Through orthogonal tests, various components in the flame retardation system were optimized as follows. 300 g/L flame retardant agent HFPO, 85 g/L etherification and cross-linking agent TMM, 18 g/L catalyst MgCI2, and 15 g/L softening agent HA-011. After being finished under this optimal flame retardation system, the finished silk fabric had shorter char length and excellent flame retardation property. The mass ratio of free formaldehyde in finished silk fabric was less than 25 mg/kg. There was P-N synergistic effect between the etherified cross-linking agent TMM and the flame retardant HFPO. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) of the finished silk fabric reached 37.8%, being 13.1% higher than the unfinished silk fabric. Thermal analysis result showed that the decomposition temperature of silk protein fi- ber was lowered after flame retardation finishing. The inflammable gas was decreased and the content of solid carbon residue was increased, showing signs of condensed phase flame retardation. Scanning electron microscope observation showed that thin, dense, smooth and continuous carbon layer was formed in the carbon residue of finished silk fabric.It could effectively prevent delivery of free radicals, diffusion of inflammable gas and supply of oxygen. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystallinity of silk pro- tein fiber increased slightly after flame retardation finishing and the cross linking reaction mainly took place at the a- morphous region of silk protein fiber.
作者 吴岚 王晓芳
出处 《蚕业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期961-966,共6页 ACTA SERICOLOGICA SINICA
基金 杭州市技术创新项目(No.2010-143) 浙江省省级工业新产品开发项目(No.201106AB0001)
关键词 阻燃整理 P—N协同效应 极限氧指数 甲醛含量 蚕丝织物 Finishing for flame retardation P-N synergistic effect Limiting oxygen index Formaldehyde content Silk fabric
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