
论互动视野下的教师课程实施:基于40年文献的建构? 被引量:6

Interaction Perspective of Teachers' Curriculum Implementation:A Construction Based on Literature Review of 40 Years
摘要 该文涉及涵盖1972-2012年国内外课程实施、教师实施课程方案、教师课程变革等相关文献的研究。基于教师-课程互动视野,剖析三种流行观点:教师的课程实施是教学;是教师落实变革性的课程方案的过程;是课程创生的过程。教师课程实施的本质在于分析教师与课程之间的关系,从教师-课程互动关系的再概念出发,将教师的课程实施看作为教师和课程文本之间互动产生课程方案,进行课堂运作和课程反思的过程。基于个体教师如何实施课程的实证研究,构建了教师课程实施的四大行为领域,并提出各领域中重要的检测变量。 This paper is a comprehensive review of literature related to "curriculum implementa- tion" , "teachers' implementation of curriculum" and "teachers' curriculum change" , which were published during 1972 -2012 at home and abroad. We eonstruet a framework for evaluating teach- ers' curriculum implementation and clarify its evaluative variables primarily according to theoretical and empirical research that were conducted after 2000 about how teachers use curriculum materials. Current books and papers in curriculum have yielded three main views on what teachers' curriculum implementation is: It is instruction; it is how teachers practice reform - oriented curriculum pro- grams, and it is the process of curriculum enactment. This study argues that to capture the nature of teachers' curriculum implementation is to analyze the relationship between teachers and curriculum. We can start from re - conceptualizing the interactive teacher - curriculum relationship and view teachers' cun'iculum implementation as a process of the interaction between teachers and cun'icular texts produces curriculum program, practices in classroom and then reflects on curriculum. Based on the empirical research of how individual teachers implement curriculum, our analytical framework for evaluating teachers' behavior of curriculum implementation are composed by four arenas: a. how teachers understand curriculum; b. how teachers design curriculum programs; c. how teachers practice curriculum programs in classroom, and d. how teachers improve curriculum. Within each arena, we raise several important eva/uative variables as a foundation for future research.
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期3-12,共10页 Global Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"义务教育阶段学校课程实施过程质量评估的理论和技术研究"(项目编号:11JJD880003)的研究成果之一
关键词 教师-课程互动 教师课程实施 文献评论 teachers curriculum implementation literature review
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