

Clinical evaluation on the vertical control with the bonded RME appliance and vertical pull
摘要 目的 :为了控制在上颌快速扩弓及内收切牙时产生的垂直距离增加 ,从而避免开牙合及患者的长面型。方法 :通过对12例患者在扩弓及内收切牙时应用牙弓夹板式扩弓矫治器及高位牵引的头帽颏兜加强支抗。结果 :上颌被扩大6.9mm ,前牙排齐 ,上颌磨牙未见伸长 ,下面高及下颌平面角基本保持不变(P>0.05)。结论 :此法对于矫治牙列拥挤时垂直距离的控制具有重要的临床价值。 Objectives: In order to control the undesirable increase in vertical dimension during RME and incisor intruction, thus avoid openbite and long face of patients. Methods: 12 patients were treated with bonded RME appliance to expanse the maxillary arches and with vertical pull chincap to augment anchorage. Results: The maxillae were widened 6.9mm, the upper incisors were normal in alignment, the maxillary molars were not enlongated the lower facial height and the mandibular plane angle stayed the same (P>0.05).Conclusion: This method is excellent on vertical control of crowded teeth with low degree overbite patient.
出处 《天津医科大学学报》 2000年第3期318-319,共2页 Journal of Tianjin Medical University
关键词 快速扩弓 垂直距离 覆HE 矫治 rapid maxillary expansion vertical dimension overbite
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