
肌筋膜触发点及其小针刀治疗的研究进展 被引量:5

Review of myofascial trigger point and the treatment of small knife needle
摘要 肌筋膜组织源性疼痛属于人体骨肌系统病变,随着社会的进步,人类体力活动的减少,此类疾病发生率不断增高。半个世纪以前,Janet Travell教授对肌筋膜组织源性疼痛的病症进行了归纳,提出"触发点"概念。直至今天,其病因病理及可利用的研究方法仍不明了。在对国内外近20年来大量相关文献研读基础上,本文对此病的主流研究方向及方法进行了总结,同时对国内盛行的小针刀疗法进行了归纳,并提出了进一步的研究思路。 Myofascial pain and dysfunction is a painful condition of the skeletal muscles. With the development of society, human beings'physical activities decreased and the high rate of this disease occurred in recent years. A half century ago, Pro- fessor Janet Travell made a conclusion of the myofascial pain and addressed the concept of myofascial trigger point. However, we still do not understand the pathology and do not have adequate techniques to study the illness even today. The purpose of the text is to introduce the mainstream and the study of development at all levels, in order to widen the thought and accelerate study for the disease. The recent studies of small knife needle treating small knife needle has been reviewed and further re-search ideas has been prospected.
作者 王永志
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2013年第30期28-30,34,共4页 China Medical Herald
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号81001590)
关键词 软组织 张力 触发点 小针刀 Soft tissue Tension Trigger point Small knife needle
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