连续 2年对仁用杏树进行修剪 ,结果表明 ,4~ 5年生树 ,主枝延长枝剪去枝长的 1/ 2 ,成枝率高 ,有利于幼树的生长和扩冠 ;侧枝延长枝剪去枝长的 1/ 3,成枝率低 ,并可减少营养枝的数量 ;疏除树冠内膛直立枝和外围竞争枝 ,可改善树体光照条件 ;缓放和轻剪树冠外围强枝 ,有利于全树总枝量和生长点的增加 ;轻剪或中剪树冠外围弱枝 ,有利于短枝的形成和枝组的更新复壮。此外 ,对最长新梢和≥
Kernel apricot trees were pruned for 2 years. The results showed that, for 4~5-year-old trees, the successful shoot rate was high when 1/2 of elongated shoot of main branch was cut off, and this high rate was beneficial to the growth and tree crown enlargement. The successful shoot rate was low when 1/3 of elongated shoot of main branch was cut off, and this low rate decreased the number of foliage branch. It could improve illuminant conditions to wipe out erect shoots in the crown and compete shoots outside the crown. To let slow and prune mildly the strong shoots outside the crown was beneficial to the increase of total shoot number and growing points. To prune the weak shoots outside the crown mildly or moderately was beneficial to the form of short shoots and the renewal of shoot groups. The longest young shoots and sprouting bud places of shoots≥30 cm was also discussed.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences