

Band Structure Calculations of Oblique Incident Elastic Waves to Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystal
摘要 采用标量势函数展开的多重散射理论法,数值计算了弹性波斜入射二维固体/液体声子晶体时的带结构.该方法克服了平面波展开法在处理固体/液体系统时不收敛的缺点,简化了在多重散射理论中应用张量数学推导的繁杂性.计算发现:随着斜入射波矢轴向分量的增加,带结构整体向高频方向移动;二维周期平面内出现了低频传播禁区,并且随着斜入射分量的增加而逐渐增大. In this paper, the authors extend multiple-scattering theory of scalar potential function expansion to calculate the band structure of elastic waves oblique incident two-dimensional solid/liquid phononic crystal. The method not only overcame weakness of the plane wave expansion method in the treatment of solid/liquid systems convergence, but also simplipled complex mathematical operation which the previous application of multiple-scattering theory waw used in tensor operation. By calculation it was found that the band structure moved to high frequency as a whole as the oblique incident axial vector component increased. In two-dimensional periodic plane, came a forth low-frequency band gap, and its width was increasing with the oblique incident vector component being added gradually.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期532-536,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目(2012MS0114) 内蒙古高等学校科学技术研究项目(NJZY13281) 内蒙古师范大学科研基金项目(ZRYB08016)
关键词 二维声子晶体 带结构 弹性波 多重散射 two-dimensional phononic crystals band structure elastic waves multiple-scattering
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