海洋钻井平台的位置信息对溢油监测和航道安全有重要意义。针对目前海洋钻井平台遥感信息提取难、验证难的现状,根据海洋钻井平台位置基本保持不变的特性,本文提出了一种基于恒虚警率算法的海洋钻井平台提取方法。该方法包括三个主要步骤:首先利用GDEM数据制作陆地掩膜,然后基于双参数恒虚警率算法对两景成像时间靠近的ENVISAT ASAR影像进行海上目标提取,最后对两时期提取结果进行对比,去除舰船虚警目标,完成海洋钻井平台提取。研究以越南东南海域为实验区,对提出的方法进行实验,结果表明,该方法可以较为有效的确定钻井平台目标。在实验区内,共提取钻井平台30个,主要分布在越南石油招标区块09-1的白虎油田和龙油田。
The positional information of offshore drilling platform is very important to oil spill monitoring and shipping routes safety. However, confronted with the difficulty of extraction and verification, nowadays few studies have focused on offshore drilling platform detection. This paper presents an offshore drilling platform extraction method based on the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection algorithm according to the movement characteristics between ships and drilling platforms. There are three main steps in the method: a) Generate a land mask of the study area based on the GDEM data; b) Conduct offshore objects detection based on dual-parameter CFAR algorithm by using two temporally-adjacent ENVISAT ASAR images; c) Remove false ship alarms and configure drilling platforms according to the positional differences of objects between two phases. The southeastern Vietnam offshore area was selected as an experimental area to examine the presented method. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of CFAR method for drilling platform targets extraction. In this study area, 30 drilling platforms were extracted, which are mainly located in the Bach Ho and Rong oil fields in the Vietnam oil block 09-1.
Geographical Research