目的:优选平糖胶囊B方的微波辅助提取工艺。方法:采用微波辅助提取平糖胶囊B方,以栀子苷提取量为检测指标,选择微波功率、料液比、提取时间、提取次数为考察指标,通过正交试验优选微波辅助提取工艺。采用HPLC测定栀子苷含量,色谱条件为DiamonsilTMRP C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相乙腈-水(11∶89),流速1.0 mL·min-1,检测波长238 nm,柱温室温,进样量20μL。结果:最佳工艺条件为微波功率15 kW,料液比1∶5,提取时间20 min,提取数2次,栀子苷平均提取量9.08 mg·g-1。结论:优选的微波辅助提取工艺具有高效、节能、省时等优点,具有极大的工业化推广价值。
Objective: To optimize microwave-assisted extraction technology of Pingtang capsules B. Method: Pingtang capsules B was extracted by microwave assisted technology, with yield of geniposide as index, choosing microwave power, material-liquid ratio, extraction time, extraction times as investigating factors, orthogonal test was adopted to optimize microwave assisted extraction technology. The content of geniposide was determined by HPLC, chromatographic conditions were as follows: DiamonsilTM RP ClS column (4.6 mm ~ 250 mm, 5 ixm) , mobile phase of acetonitrile-water ( 11 : 89) , flow rate 1.0 mL .min-1, detection wavelength 238 nm, column temperature at room temperature, injection volume 20 ixL. Result: Optimum extraction technology conditions were as follows: microwave power 15 kW, solid-liquid rate 1: 5, extraction time 20 min, extraction 2 times; Under these conditions, average yield of geniposide was 9.08 mg "g-1 Conclusion: Optimized microwave assisted extraction technology had advantages of high efficiency, energy saving and time saving with great application value for industrial production of Pingtang capsules B.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae