
基于NSGA-Ⅱ叉车轮边减速器优化设计 被引量:2

Optimization Design for Forklift Wheel Side Reducer Based on NSGA-Ⅱ
摘要 以叉车轮边减速器行星轮系为研究对象,在满足设计要求的前提下,以轮边减速器行星轮系齿圈直径最小,中心距最大和重合度最高为目标建立目标优化数学模型。运用改进的NSGA-Ⅱ对多目标优化并得到Pareto最优解集,利用多指标加权灰靶决策模型选择最优设计方案。优化结果表明:改进遗传算法的运用是可靠有效的,为以后产品优化设计提供新了的设计思路。 The planetary gear train of fnrklift wheel side reducer was researched as an objective. Under the premise of satisfying design requirements, the objective optimization mathematical model was established based on muhi-objective of minimization diameter of ring gear , maximum center distance and maximum degree of coincidence. The Pareto optimal solution set was obtained by using the improved NSGA- II for optimization of multi-objective, and the optimal design seheme was determined by using the multi-attribute weighted grey target decision model. Tire optimization result shows that, application of the improved genetic algorithm is both effective and feasible, and provides a uew way tbr flu'- ther optimization design.
出处 《汽车零部件》 2013年第10期47-50,共4页 Automobile Parts
关键词 轮边减速器 改进NSGA-Ⅱ 多目标优化 行星轮系 Wheel side reducer Improved NSGA-II Muhi-objective optimization Planetary gear train
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