
古文书整理的学术标准——以敦煌文书、徽州文书、清水江文书整理为例 被引量:4

Academic Standard for Ancient Documents Collation——A Case Study of Dunhuang Ancient Documents,Huizhou Ancient Documents,and Qingshuijiang Ancient Documents Collation
摘要 20世纪初以来,大量古文书被发现,从很大程度上推动了对中国古代政治、经济、文化、历史等方面的深入研究,古文书的整理工作成为学界关注热点,然而古文书的整理仍存在不甚规范、各自为政的现状。重点介绍敦煌文书、徽州文书、清水江文书及其它古契约文书的整理现状,评价其整理得失,并就古文书整理的学术标准及规范进行探析,为今后古文书的规范整理指明方向。 The discovery of the great number of ancient documents since the beginning of twentieth century great- ly promotes the in - depth research on Chinese politics, economics, culture, and history etc. Ancient documents collation has become the hntpot in the literature circle, it, however, remains to be standardized. The paper primarily deals with the current status of the collation of Dunhuang ancient documents, Huizhou ancient documents, Qingshui- jiang ancient documents and other ancient contract documents and comments on their advantages and disadvantages. Besides, it explores the standard and norm for ancient books collation in hope of providing reference for the future ancient documents collation.
作者 魏郭辉
出处 《贵州师范学院学报》 2013年第8期25-28,共4页 Journal of Guizhou Education University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"清水江文书整理与研究"子课题"清水江文书分类著录整理规范与标准研究"(11&ZD096) 贵州省哲学社科规划课题"清水江文书俗字整理与研究"(12GZYB39) 贵州师范学院博士项目"清水江文书俗字词语研究"(GZSY201103)的阶段性成果
关键词 古文书整理 学术标准 敦煌吐鲁番文书 徽州文书 清水江文书 Ancient Books Collation Academic Standard Dunhuang and Turpan Documents Huizhou Docu-ments Qingshuijiang Documents
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