
氮化物抛物量子阱中激子的能级及组分效应 被引量:1

The Energy Levels of Excitons and their Composition Effect in a Nitride Parabolic Quantum Well
摘要 考虑到纤锌矿氮化物抛物量子阱(PQW)材料中空穴有效质量和光学声子模的各向异性、声子频率随波矢变化的效应,作者利用LLP变分法研究了纤锌矿抛物量子阱中激子的能级。结果表明:轻空穴激子的基态能量和结合能高于重空穴激子的相应值;抛物量子阱中激子的基态能量和结合能随量子阱宽度和Al组分变化的规律和方量子阱中是一致的。 In consideration of the effective mass of an electron hole,the anisotropy of optical phonon modules and the effect of the frequency of phonons changing with the band vectors in a GaN/AlxGal-xN parabolic quantum well (PQW) of wurtzite, a Lee-Low-Pines (LLP)variational method is used to calculate the energy level of an exciton in a PQW of wurtzite. The results show that the ground state energy and the binding energy of a heavy-hole exeiton is less than the corresponding value of a light-hole exciton,and that the law that the ground state energy and the binding energy of an exciton of a parabolic quantum well change with the width of the well and the Al- components are consistent with the law in a square quantum well.
出处 《集宁师范学院学报》 2013年第3期109-114,共6页 Journal of Jining Normal University
基金 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目"纤锌矿氮化物抛物量子阱中激子特性的研究"(项目编号:NJZY11288)
关键词 纤锌矿氮化物 抛物量子阱 激子 基态能量 结合能 nitride of wurtzite parabolic quantum wells excitons ground state energy binding energy
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