
茶多酚制品中多酚含量测定方法比较研究 被引量:20

Methods Comparison of Determinating the Polyphenols Content in Tea Polyphenols Products
摘要 对福林酚比色法和酒石酸亚铁比色法测定茶多酚制品中多酚含量的适用性进行了比较研究。结果表明:两种方法在测定茶多酚制品的多酚含量时都有良好的稳定性(RSD〈5.1);两者的测定原理不同,测得的结果具有一定的差距,纯度越高的茶多酚制品,两种方法测定值之间差距越大;用酒石酸亚铁比色法测得的多酚含量有超出100%的现象,福林酚-标准曲线法测得的多酚含量在30.08%~88.76%之间。茶多酚制品中多酚含量宜采用福林酚比色法测定,即福林酚-标准曲线法和福林酚-换算系数法,且换算系数为88.13μg/mL。 Tea polyphenol product is a kind of complex product extracted from tea. Applicability of ferrous tartrate method and Foliu-Ciocaheu method in determining total polyphenols content of tea polyphenol products were discussed in this paper. The results showed that both of them were stable with RSD〈5.1. Two methods had different results, because the measuring principles of them were different. As the purity of tea polyphenol products improving, differences between two methods" results were bigger. Status of Folin-Ciocalteu-standard curve method ranged from 30.08% to 88.76% while several data of ferrous tartrate method exceeded 100%. It was summarized that Folin-Ciocalteu methods including Folin-Ciocalteu-standard curve method and Folin-Ciocalteu-conversion ratio method were better than ferrous tartrate method in determining total polyphenols" content of tea polyphenol products and it was calculated that the conversion coefficient was 88.13μg/mL.
出处 《中国茶叶加工》 2013年第3期28-32,共5页 China Tea Processing
基金 国家质检公益项目(201110210)
关键词 茶多酚制品 多酚含量 测定方法 酒石酸亚铁 福林酚 Tea polyphenols products, Total polyphenols content, Methodologies, Ferrous tartrate,Folin-Ciocaheu
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