

Research on Synthesis of Mullite Whiskers by Kyanite
摘要 为了降低莫来石晶须的合成温度及生产成本,研究了以蓝晶石为主要原料烧结制备莫来石晶须的影响条件,通过烧结实验发现,原料的粒度、升温速率和催化剂添加量对莫来石晶须的制备有较大影响,影响顺序为:原料粒度〉催化剂添加量〉升温速率。晶须的最佳合成条件为:原料粒度为-325-+400目,混合样(蓝晶石和氧化铝)与A1F3比例为10:4.0,以1150℃作为成核温度,保温lh,以1250℃作为晶化温度,保温4h,烧结过程中的升温速率为5E/rain,莫来石晶须的产率可以达到64%。 In order to reduce the synthesis temperature and production costs of the mu|lite whisker,the influence factors were studied in detail which taken the kyanite as the main raw material. The sintering experiment found that the particle size of the raw material,the heating rate and the amount of catalyst had great impacts on the synthesis of mullite whiskers, and the impact of particle size of the raw material was the biggest and the impact of heating rate was the least. When particle size of the raw material was -325-+400 mesh; Kyanite and A1203 : A1F3 wasl0: 4.0; continued to heat up to 1150~C from room temperature with 5%/min,kept this temperature for 1 hour,then the same rate heated up to 1 250~, kept this temperature for 4 hours, mullite whiskers yield could reach 64%.
出处 《纳米科技》 2013年第5期42-46,共5页
基金 唐山市科技局项目(12140204A)
关键词 蓝晶石 莫来石 晶须 烧结 kyanite mullite whisker thermal barrier
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