
黄金周风景名胜区旅游客流量与网络关注度相关性分析——以庐山、华山、八达岭长城风景名胜区为例 被引量:95

A Correlative Analysis of the Relationship Between Tourists and Tourist Network Attention for Scenic Spots in Special Session
摘要 以庐山、华山、八达岭长城风景名胜区2012年十一黄金周客流量及游客网络关注度数据为研究对象,分析客流量与网络关注度的变化特征,采用OSL方法构建相关模型。研究表明:①各景区黄金周内的游客量变化特征相似,均呈现倒"U"形特征;②各景区黄金周前期游客网络关注点差异较大,庐山、华山、八达岭长城景区游客分别主要关注天气情况、旅游信息、门票价格;③各景区网络关注度与客流量之间具有较强的相关性,客流量的网络弹性系数分别为1.8%、4.6%和2.8%。 The variation feature and forecast of visitors of scenic spots is important for tourism management and development planning. Use Lushan, hua mountain, Badaling Great Wall scenic spot as the object of study, collect the data of tourists and network attention of each scenic spot during the National Day in 2012. Analysis the variation feature of tourists and network attention, and build the correlation model through OSL method. Research shows that the variation feature of tourists in each scenic spot is the similar, present the feature of reverse "U" ,but the difference of network attention is signally, the net focus of Lushan, hua mountain, Badaling Great Wall is weather situation, travel information, price of entrance ticket respectively. And there is a strong correlation between the tourists and network attention, the net elastic coefficient of each three scenic spots is 1.8%, 4.6% and 2.8%.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期182-186,共5页 Economic Geography
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CUGL120206)
关键词 风景名胜区 客流量 网络关注度 相关性 “十一”黄金周 scenic spots tourists network attention correlative analysis "National Day"
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