
上海市15家医院和药房计算机应用现状调查 被引量:18

Survey on Situation of Use of Computer in 15 Hospitals and Pharmacies in Shanghai.
摘要 目的 :分析和讨论了上海市 15家医院药房计算机应用现状。方法 :采取问卷调查与访谈相结合的调查方法。结果 :多数医院和药剂科计算机网络建设相对滞后 ,缺乏系统规划和开发经费 ,软件更新周期长 ,资源不能共享 ;药剂科药品管理应用软件档次低 ,急需更新 ,药品管理的方法、观念以及系统的维护存在不足 ,药品数据的综合分析、信息管理和咨询系统开发应用进展缓慢。结论 :重视计算机网络化建设 ,积极培养复合人才 ,开发和应用综合性的咨询软件。 Purpose: analyzing and discussing the situation of use of computer in 15 hospitals and pharmacies in shanghai. Method: questionnaire survey and interview. Result: construction of computer network in many hospitals and departments of medicament were lag. Systematic plan and fund for exploring were insufficient. The period of renewing software was long and the resources could not be shared. The applicative software for pharmaceutical management was lag and it need to be renewed. Method and concept of pharmaceutical management and system maintenance need to be improved. Development and application of comprehensive analysis of pharmaceutical data, information management and counseling system were slow. Conclusion: paying more attention to construction of network. Training compound talent and developing and applying comprehensive counseling software. Authors′address Department of Pharmacy,Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai. P.R.China.
出处 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2000年第12期769-771,共3页 Chinese Health Service Management
关键词 计算机网络化 计算机应用 药品管理 Computer network Application of computer Pharmaceutical managemen
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