
不同干燥方式芒果脆片香气成分分析 被引量:38

Analysis of Aroma Components in Mango Chips Prepared by Different Drying Methods
摘要 为研究干燥方式对芒果脆片香气成分和含量的影响,运用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术,分别对芒果鲜样及4种不同干燥方式处理的芒果脆片的香气成分进行测定与分析。结果表明,芒果鲜样主要芳香成分为:萜烯类物质66.25%,以δ-3-蒈烯、4-蒈烯及反式石竹烯为主;醇类物质12.42%,以3,6-亚壬基-1-醇为主;烷烃类物质19.26%。热风干燥处理后产生较多酯类、醛类和烷烃类,损失较多的萜烯类物质,芒果鲜样的特征香味有较大的损失;微波真空干燥处理除萜烯类和醇类物质减少外,其余风味物质均增加;与其他3种干燥方式相比,真空冷冻干燥处理后萜烯类物质损失最大,烷烃类物质增加最多,且其中的酚类物质含量最高。相对于其他3种干燥方式,芒果鲜样经过变温压差膨化干燥处理后,表征芒果鲜样特征风味的萜烯类成分损失最少,醛类物质的含量也较高,同时还含有酚类物质。 Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyze aroma components of fresh mango samples and mango chips prepared by four different drying methods. The results showed that the main aroma components of fresh mango sample were 66.25% terpenes (mainly ^-3-carene, 4-carene and caryophyllene), 12.42% alcohols (mainly 3,6-nonadien-l-ol) and 19.26% alkanes. More ester, aldehyde, and alkane compounds were produced while terpenes showed an obvious reduction during hot-air drying. Meanwhile, obvious loss of some characteristic aroma compounds in fresh mango was observed. The contents of all other aroma compounds were increased except terpenes and alcohols by microwave vacuum drying. Compared with three other drying methods, the most significant loss of terpenes but the most obvious increase in alkanes were observed accompanied with the highest concentration of phenolic compounds during vacuum freeze drying. Compared with samples dried by three other methods, mango chips by explosion puffing drying showed the least loss of terpenes, which were considered as the characteristic aroma components in flesh mango. The concentrations of aldehydes were also high and phenolic compounds were also found.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第22期179-184,共6页 Food Science
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD31B03) "十二五"农村领域国家科技计划项目(2012BAD31B06)
关键词 干燥方式 芒果 芳香成分 变温压差膨化干燥 drying methods mango aroma components explosion puffing drying
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