
稻作文化在贵州——基于传播途径的实证研究 被引量:2

Rice-cultivating Culture in Guizhou ——Empirical Study based on Transmission Route
摘要 通过以地名学、考古学和民族学为基础,详细地考察稻作文化在贵州的传播过程。贵州的稻作文化来自湖南常德澧水下游的稻作遗址群,主要传播途径是沅江、潕水和舞阳河。"且兰"国是贵州稻作文化传播的第一站,其都邑位于黄平县旧州镇天官寨大坝子,苗族族属,从事湿地原始稻作,与湖南常德澧水下游的稻作遗址群一脉相承。文章首次破译了"且兰"的苗语含义,实证出贵州稻作文化传自湖南。"夜郎"国是贵州稻作文化传播的第二站,由湖南迁来的苗族与贵州西部的古越族共同创建,"夜郎"(yelang)为"yina"之音转,本义即"神圣稻国"。其都邑位置学界已有几种学说,但笔者现在又提出一个新学说———"夜郎都邑望谟说"。文章认为,"夜郎"国都邑位于望谟县城所在的望谟坝子,蔗香河是其门户,直通北盘江、南盘江与红水河汇合处。"夜郎"国控制着水路交通要道,是西南地区稻作文化的中转站。经其中转,稻作文化继续传往广西西部、云南东部和越南北部,越南的"东山文化"与"夜郎文化"密切相关。 The paper, on the basis of toponomy, archaeology and ethnology, carries out a detailed investigation on the transmission route of the rice - cultivating culture in Guizhou, which originates from the rice - cultivating relics groups in the downstream of Li River in Changde, Hunan Province, with Yuan River, Wu River, and Wuyang River as the transmission route. The State of "Qielan" is the first station for the transmission of rice - cultivating culture, with its capital located in the broad basin in Tianguan Village, Jiuzhou Town, Huangping County. Inhabited by Hmong ethnic group, it devoted to the primitive rice cultivation in the wetlands, which has its own origin in the rice - cultivating re]ics groups in the downstream of Li River in Changde, Hunan Province. The meaning of the Hmong word "Q/dan" is first deciphered in the paper and, based on the empirical study, the rice- cultivating culture is proved to originate from Hunan. The State of "Yelang" is the second station for the transmission of rice - cultivating culture, constructed by the Hmong people from Hunman and Guyue people from the west of Guizhou. Yelang, the sound -shift of Yina, refers to "The Sacred State of Rice". Several viewpoints about the specific location of its cap- ital have been existed in the academic circle though; the author holds the opinion that the state of "Yelang" was origi- naUy located in Wangmo Basin, with Zexiang River as its gateway leading to the junction of Beipan River, Nanpan River and Hongshui River. Controlling the artery of waterway, the State of "Yelang" is the transit station for the rice - cultivating culture in southwest region, from which it is continuously transmitted to west Guangxi, east Yunnan and north Vietnam. "Don^shan culture" in Vietnam is closely related with "Yelan,, Culture".
作者 李国栋
出处 《贵州师范学院学报》 2013年第10期1-16,共16页 Journal of Guizhou Education University
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学规划2012年年度课题<稻作文化在贵州--传播途径的实证研究>(编号12GZYB05)的最终研究成果 贵州大学人才引进科研项目<稻作视域下的"夜郎"研究>(编号2012043) 贵州大学文科重大科研项目<贵州与日本稻作文化比较研究>(编号GDZT2012010)的阶段性成果
关键词 稻作文化 沱江 且兰 夜郎 遯水 蔗香河 Rice - cultivating Culture Tuojiang Qielan Yelang Dunshui Zexiang River
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