目的 :探讨输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术治疗泌尿系结石的临床疗效。方法 :自 1998年 9月~ 1999年 12月 ,采用输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石 10 1例 ,膀胱结石 7例。结果 :99例原位碎石成功 ,成功率为 91.7% ,平均碎石时间为 6 .3± 3.8min ,术后 1~ 3个月碎石排净率为 98% ,并发症发生率为 <4% (4 /10 8) ,分别为穿孔、狭窄、感染和双J管滞留各 1例。结论 :气压弹道碎石机是目前与输尿管技术结合比较理想的一种碎石工具 ,具有高效、安全和容易操作的特点 ,是治疗输尿管中。
Objective: To evaluated the clinical use of the Wolflithoclast pneumatic lithotriptor in the endoscopic management of urinary calculi. Methods: Between September 1998 to September 1999, 101 cases with stone in ureter and 7 cases with stone in bladder were treated with ballistic lithoclast by means of ureterorenoscopy. Results: 99 cases of them were treated successfully in-situ with the rate of 91.7%. (94% in upper ureter, 97.3% in middle ureter, 87% in lower ureter.) The mean time of lithotripty was 6.3±3.8 minutes and the stone free rate within three months was 98%. Complications were observed in less 4% (4/108, perforation 1 case, urosepsis 1 case, narrow 1 case and double J catheter detained 1 case). Conclusions: Treatment of urinary calculi this method has indicated that ballistic lithoclast is a new good model of intracopral lithtripsy for ureteral stone combined with ureterorenoscopy with the advantage of high efficiency and reliable safety and easy to operate as well. Ballast lithotripsy under transurthral ureteropyeloscopy should be the first choice of treatment for the middle and lower ureteral stone.
China Journal of Endoscopy