
银川地区健康成人网织血小板比率的参考区间研究 被引量:2

The study on a reference interval of immature platelet fraction of healthy individuals in yinchuan district
摘要 目的探讨银川地区成人网织血小板比率(IPF)相关因素,建立IPF的医学参考区间。方法应用SysmexXE-5000血细胞分析仪流水线检测500名银川地区健康体检者(男258名,女242名)的静脉血,同时分析其与性别、年龄以及血液常规相关指标(PLT、MPV、PLCR、PDw)因素间相互关系,建立本地区IPF参考区间。结果MPV、PDW、PLCR与IPF存在线性回归关系(r=0.609,0.632,0.582);其余包括性别、年龄在内的因素对其无影响,用百分位数法确定银川地区健康成人IPF正常参考区间为0.21%~5.03%,绝对值为(O.25~8.46)×10-9/L。结论银川地区健康成人的IPF水平具地区特点,建立IPF检测方法和正常参考区间对本地区相关疾病临床病情的判断具有重要意义。 Objective Studying on related influence factors of immature platelet fraction and establishing a medical reference in- terval of immature platelet fraction in Yinehuan district. Methods Vein blood samples from 500 healthy individuals(258 males,242 females) were tested by Sysmex XE-5000 hematology analyzer assembly line to establish IPF reference intervals. The correlation between IPF and PLT,MPV,PLCR, PDW, age,gender were analyzed in the same time. Results Linear regression relations were found between IPF and MPV, PDW, PLCR(r= O. 609,0. 632,0. 582) ~There were no statistical correlation between IPF and PLT, age, gender. The percentage reference intervals of IPF were 0.2% -5.03 % and absolute value were(0.25-8.46) × 109/L respec- tively in healthy individuals of Yinchuan district. Conclusion IPF level had regional characteristics in healthy individuals of Yin- ehuan district. It has great significance to establish medical reference interval of IPF in Yinchuan district for related condition evalu- ation.
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第B12期18-20,共3页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 网织血小板比率 XE05000 成人 参考区间 immature platelet fraction XE-5000 Healthy individuals Reference interval
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