
气候谈判、木材产品国际贸易及其关系研究现状 被引量:1

A Study of Climate Negotiation,International Trade in Timber Products and Their Relations
摘要 文中介绍气候谈判产生的背景、谈判机制设计、影响谈判进程的因素等方面研究现状,分析贸易政策与环境、资源禀赋、汇率变动等对木材产品国际贸易的影响;在此基础上,讨论气候谈判与木材产品国际贸易之间的关系。现有研究文献表明:气候谈判通过关税直接对木材产品国际贸易产生影响,通过非关税措施包括森林认证、进口产品检验检疫、森林碳汇等对全球木材产品国际贸易产生直接或间接影响。然而,这些研究主要还是基于简单的逻辑推理,对于涉林气候谈判影响木材产品国际贸易的机理并没有进行深入剖析,更没有通过大样本实证检验涉林气候谈判对木材产品国际贸易的影响。 This paper firstly described the research progress negotiation mechanism design, and factors affecting negotiation in the background for climate negotiation, process. Then the impacts of trade policy and environment, resources endowment, and exchange rate changes on the international trade in timber products were analyzed. On this basis, the relationships between climate negotiations and the international trade in timber products were concluded. The current research literatures indicates that climate negotiations have a direct effect on the international trade in timber products through tariff and have a direct or indirect effect on the trade through non-tariff measures such as forest certification, imports inspection and quarantine, and forest carbon sinks. However, these studies are mainly based on simple logical deduction, and lack of indepth analysis let alone examin of how forestry-related climate negotiations affect the international trade in timber products, e the effect by empirical studies with a large sum of samples.
作者 曹玉昆 王玥
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期5-9,共5页 World Forestry Research
基金 国家社会科学基金(11BGL059) 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(20110062110010)
关键词 气候谈判 木材产品 国际贸易 climate negotiation, international trade, timber products
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