

Bacterial Detection of Tap Water and Purified Water in Yanan University
摘要 用平板培养法和多管发酵法对延安大学内的自来水和几种纯净水的细菌学进行了检测。结果表明:自来水和纯净水合格。其中自来水平均细菌总数为21.5 CFU/mL,大肠菌群数0MPN/100 mL;雅苑校区开水房开水平均细菌总数为0 CFU/mL,校本部开水房11 CFU/mL,平均大肠菌群数均为0 MPN/mL;纯净水中,碧源牌平均细菌总数为10 CFU/mL,大肠菌群0 MPN/100 mL,绿缘牌平均细菌总数为13 CFU/mL,大肠菌群0 MPN/100 mL。 Bacterial of the tap water and purified water were detection by the plate panel method and much tube ferment method. The result showed that the tap water and purified water is qualifed. The average bacterial count of tap water for 21.5CFU/mL, the number of coliform bacteria 0 MPN/100 mL;the average bacterial group of the boiling water was 0 CFU/mL in Yayuan campus and that was 11 CFU/mL in Yanan university, the average group of coli- form bacteria was 0 MPN/mL. The average bacterial group of purifed water was 10 CFU/mL in the Biyuan brand and coliform bacteria was 0 MPN/100 mL, the average bacterial group was 13 CFU/mL and that of coliform bacteria was 0 MPN/100 mL in the Luyuan brand.
出处 《延安大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第4期69-72,共4页 Journal of Yan'an University:Natural Science Edition
基金 延安大学STITP项目(YDCX2011-36)
关键词 延安大学 自来水 纯净水 细菌学检测 Yanan University tap water purifed water bacterial detection
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