

The MC Simulations of Difference Neutron Dose Uptake for the People
摘要 通过分析核临界事故中实际情况,使用MCNP5程序建立不同的人体模型(儿童,成年人,男性,女性),通过计算在受中子照射时,人体内不同器官的中子剂量,分析出了不同年龄及不同性别人群间何种器官存在吸收剂量差异,并计算出了不同年龄及不同性别人群的有效吸收剂量,最后得出,儿童较成人有效剂量较多,男性较女性有效剂量较多,为实际工作提供了参考依据。 In the paper, by analyzing the situation in the nuclear criticality accident, using MCNP5 to establish tile human body model (children, adults, men, women) , through calculated the human bodyg neutron dose at different organs for different ages and different gender groups. Pointed out different kinds of organ absorbed dif- ferent dose and calculated the effective absorbed dose of different age and gender groups, the conclusion is that children will absorb more neutron dose than adults, men will absorb more neutron dose than women , this can be a reference for practice work.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1211-1214,共4页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 中子剂量 不同人体 器官 MCNP5 模拟 neutron dose different body organs MCNP5 simulation
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