
珠三角地区闪电活动与大气化学污染的关系 被引量:3

摘要 研究了以广东省东莞站为代表的珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)地区及作为对比的粤西遂溪站为代表的海边地区降水样品的化学成分与闪电活动间的关系,分析了珠三角地区污染源对降水化学成分的影响,通过进行相关分析发现,在珠三角地区,除了臭氧不明显外,空气中的二氧化硫、二氧化氮及可吸入颗粒物浓度(没有进入降水中)与闪电发生的次数都存在显著的负相关关系;还发现闪电降水具有十分明显的化学特征地区性差异,即相对其它地区,浓度较高的化学成分其闪电降水的化学浓度都明显高于非闪电降水,而浓度较低的化学成分其闪电降水的化学浓度都低于非闪电降水,这进一步证明了pH值与雷电活动的关系并非主要由湿清除过程引起,而与雷电活动有较密切的关系。闪电活动与降水中某些离子浓度、降水的电导率及pH值间存在显著的相关关系,总的来说,闪电活动与当地的典型化学成分浓度有显著的相关关系,例如闪电活动在海边地区与海盐性离子有显著的相关关系、在珠三角地区与主要由工业化和城市化环境所引起的各种离子有显著的相关关系。 The correlation is studied between the lightning activities and chemical elements of precipitation patterns of Suixi in western Guangdong as an example of non-Pearl River Delta contrastive region and those of Dongguan as an example of Pearl River Delta Region, and the influence of pollution sources is analyzed on the lightning activities in Pearl River Delta, with the discovery that there is a distinct negative correlation between the lightning activities and concentration of inhalable particulate matter ,or, atmospheric No2 and So2, except 03. It is also found that the lightning precipitation has distinct regional chemical characters: if the chemical components have a local source, its chemical component concentration in lightning precipitation is higher than in non-lightning precipitation. And if the chemical components are not from a local source, the concentration in lightning precipitation is lower than in non-lightning precipitation. Finally, after computation and analysis of the correlation, it is found that there is a distinct correlation between the lightning activities and the concentration of some ions, conductance and pH of the precipitation. Generally, there is a distinct correlation between the lightning activities and concentration of local typical chemical components, e.g. sea-salt ions in the coastal area. In Pearl River Delta, there is a distinct correlation between the lightning activities and concentration of some ions that are released during biological burning and chemical industry, etc.
出处 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期947-954,共8页 Journal of Tropical Meteorology
基金 2007年气象行业科研专项"珠三角城市群-海岸带复合体致灾雷电动力与物理化学特征及预警技术研究"(GYHY200706014) 国家重点基础研究发展计划课题(2011CB403403) 广东省气象局资助项目共同资助
关键词 大气物理学 大气化学污染 闪电活动 相关分析 显著性水平 atmosphere physics atmosphere chemical pollution lightning activity correlation analysis distinct correlation relationship
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