目的了解吕梁市离石区农村集中式供水的水质卫生状况,确保农村饮用水供水水质。方法对2009~2011年离石区农村集中式供水工程的水质监测资料进行分析。结果 2009~2011年合计检测水样126份,各项指标均合格的73份,合格率为57.94%。水样合格率,枯水期为60.32%,丰水期为55.56%(P>0.05);2009年为55.81%,2010年为58.54%,2011年为59.52%(P>0.05);深井水、泉水、岩溶水为100.00%,浅井水为64.61%,自来水、截潜流水为75.00%,雨水、河水为0.00%(P<0.01)。不合格水样的指标是色度、浑浊度、肉眼可见物、铁、锰、硫酸盐、总硬度、氟化物、细菌总数、总大肠菌群、耐热大肠菌群、游离性余氯,合格率分别为96.03%、97.62%、96.03%、95.24%、99.21%、98.41%、75.40%、98.41%、79.37%、65.08%、99.21%、98.41%。结论离石区农村集中式供水合格率较低,不合格指标主要是总大肠菌群、总硬度和细菌总数。
Objective To understand the sanitary condition of the water in rural area central water supply in Lishi district of Lvliang city,so as to ensure water quality of rural area drinking water. Methods Analysis was made on the monitoring data of water quality of centralized water supply project in rural areas of Lishi district, Lvliang city, 2009-2011. Results In a total of 126 water samples teasted during 2009-2011,the indicators qualified were seventy-three, the pass rate was 57.94%. The pass rate of water samples,in low water period was 60.32% ,in wet period was 55.56% ( P 0.05) ;55.81% in 2009,58.54% in 2010,59.52% in 2011( P 〉0.05) ;in deep well water,spring water,and cavern water was 100.00%, shallow well water 64.61%, running water, sectional subsurface water, 75.00 %, the rain, the river water, 0.00% ( P 〈0.01). Unqualified water indexes were color of water,turbidity degree,visibility to the naked eye,iron,man- ganese, sulfate, total hardness, fluoride, total bacteria count, total coli-grou, thermotolerant coliform, bacteria, and free re- sidual chlorine, the passing rate wase 96.03%, 97.62%, 96.03%, 95.24%, 99.21%, 98.41%, 75.40%, 98.41%, 79.37% ,65.08% ,99.21% ,and 98.41% respectively. Conclusion The qualified rate is low in rural area central water Supply in Lishi district,the unqualified water indexes are total coli-group, total hardness,and total bacteria count.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Rural area central wter supply
Water quality