为了探究重复超排对小尾寒羊超排效果的影响,以30只2~5岁的小尾寒羊为研究对象,首次超排注射8 mg卵泡刺激素(FSH ),根据超排反应将供体羊分为3组(一组反应差,二组反应正常,三组反应剧烈),分别对每组第2次、第3次重复超排的激素用量进行调整。一组第2次重复超排时,增加2 mg卵泡刺激素(FSH)及200 IU孕马血清素(PMSG),第3次激素用量同第2次;二组第2次增加2 mg FSH ,第3次增加4 mg FSH ;三组第2次减少1 mg FSH ,第3次减少1.5 mg FS H。结果显示,一组在第2次超排时平均红体数由2.00个增加到7.40个,增加270.0%,平均回收卵子数由1.60枚增加到5.50枚,增加243.8%,第3次超排平均红体数为7.80个,比首次增加290.0%,平均回收卵子数为4.60枚,比首次增加187.5%,第2、3次超排的平均红体数和平均回收卵子数均显著高于首次;二组在调整激素用量后保持稳定的超排效果,第2、3次超排结果与首次差异不显著;三组在调整激素用量后超排效果依然不佳,3次超排结果差异不显著。表明,根据首次超排效果调整小尾寒羊重复超排的激素用量方法可行,对于首次超排反应差的个体,重复超排时增加2 mg FS H、添加200 IU PM SG ,可显著提高平均红体数和回收卵子数;对于首次超排效果好的个体重复超排时增加2 mg FS H用量,能保证供体重复超排的稳定性。
30 Small Tailed Han Sheep at the age of 2-5 years had been taken as the research ob-ject to investigate the effect of repeated super-ovulation .8 mg FSH was injected in the first su-per-ovulation .The donor sheep were dived into three groups according to the first super-ovulation reaction and the number of ova collected .Reaction of group 1 ,group 2 ,group 3 were weak ,nor-mal ,and serious respectively .The hormone dosage would be adjusted in the followed super-ovula-tion .2 mg FSH and 200 IU PMSG were increased for the second time in the first group .The hor-mone dosage for the third time was the same to the second time .2 mg FSH was increased for the second time and 4 mg FSH was increased for the third time in the second group .1 mg and 1 .5 mg FSH was decreased for the second and third time respectively in the third group .The results indi-cated that the average amount of corpora luteum increased from 2 .00 to 7 .40 ,increasing by 270.0% .The amount of ova collected increased from 1 .60 to 5 .50 ,increasing by 243 .80 .0% .The average amount of corpora luteum was 7 .80 in the third super-ovulation ,increasing by 290 .0%compared with that of the first time .The amount of ova collected was 4 .60 ,increasing by 187.5%compared with that of the first time .The amount of corpora luteum and ova collected in the se-cond and the third time were significantly more than that of the first time .Effect of the adjusted hormone dosage was stable in the second group .The results of the super-ovulation for the second and third time had no significant difference between that of the first .The method to adjust the hormone dosage in Small Tail Han Sheep according to the first super-ovulation reaction was avai-lable .The amount of corpora luteum and ova collected in the groups that reacted weak added sig-nificantly increasing 2 mg FSH and 200 IU PMSG in repeated super-ovulation .The stabilization of repeated super-ovulation could be assured increasing 2 mg FSH in the repeated super-ovulation that reacted normal .
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences