Recently, emergencies happen all around the world from time to time so how to deliver breaking news as fast as possible is the hottest issue in the domain of media. Brand new reporting model has been developed in the environment of new media. In this environment, traditional media may keep their advantage but still needs improvement. Meanwhile, new media develops rapidly and integrate gradually with traditional media, which is dependent on the advancement of triple play. Mobile TV, as well as other new media, is called the "fifth media" af- ter newspaper,radio,television, and internet. Its unique characteristics make mobile TV different traditional media in term of treating breaking news. The internet and mobile media is changing the international information transmitting pattern. By merging with traditional media, the in- ternational news is transmitted by multiple means. Facing the information convergence of the new media channels, China' s media should consider how to make use of the opportunity and cope with challenge. How to strengthen the transmission and at the same time avoid news blind spot is the main concern of this paper.
Journal of Harbin University