Objective: During the treatment of intensive care unit, patients' state are complex and changeable. Without timely and effective measures, these problems will endanger the patient's life. Therefore, real-time infusion control based on the patient's condition has become more and more important.Traditional infusion systems can only conduct an open-loop infusion control, unable to automatically adjust the infusion according to patients' real-time physical information. This means that ICU doctors need to manually adjust the infusion, which is very inconvenient. In order to solve this problem, we propose the concept of intensive care monitor and infusion integration system, which combine patients' physical information monitoring and infusion controlling to achieve closed-loop infusion control. This system can facilitate the ICU doctors' work and improve the quality of ICU Infusion therapy. This article describes the intensive care monitor and infusion workstation base on CAN BUS. Methods: The intensive care monitor and infusion workstation system is composed of three parts: a tablet PC, a monitoring module card and a CAN bus communication interface card. Patients' real-time physiological information is collected by the monitoring module card. The tablet PC is responsible for processing and analyzing these patients' physiological information, and then adjusts infusion control parameters according to patients' latest physiological changes. The CAN bus communication interface card is responsible for communicating with the infusion devices such as injection pump and infusion pump. This interface card transports the control commands generated by the tablet PC to the infusion devices and receives devices' feedback messages such as work state, error, alarm etc. In this way, we achieve a simple closed-loop infusion control. In addition, the intensive caremonitor and infusion workstation can also data synchronization between these two connect to a central server thought Wi-Fi Wireles~ LAN. In this way we can achieve systems. Results: The results show that the intensive care monitor and infusion workstation system can coordinate multiple infusion devices work simultaneously. It can also complete an infusion closed-loop control based on the patient's real-time physiological information changes. Its data which is synchronized with the central server is correct and accurate. Conclusions: The intensive care monitor and infusion workstation system is an integration of patients' physiological monitoring and infusion therapy. It can achieve a simple closed-loop control of infusion and has high stability, anti-interference ability and other advantages. It not only provides a lot convenience for the ICU medical workers, but also has considerable importance for the monitoring and treatment of intensive care unit patients.
Chinese Journal of Medical Physics