

Sandwich flap to treat degloving in jury of hand:report of 23 cases
摘要 设计以上臂内侧皮瓣及侧胸壁皮瓣双蒂掀起 ,形成夹心皮瓣修复手撕脱伤 2 3例。结果除 1例皮瓣远端边缘部分坏死通过换药愈合外 ,余 2 2例全部成活 ,2 1例断蒂同时分指。 19例随访 1年 ,感觉恢复到 4级以上 ,运动功能恢复到对指。认为手夹心皮瓣修复手部皮肤撕脱伤操作简便 ,功能恢复基本满意 ,值得推广应用。 In order to solve the difficult problem of repai ring degloving injury of hand, the two pedicled of medi al arm flap and lateral thoracic flap wa s designed and the sandwich flap was per formed subsequently,there were 23 cases with degloving injuries of hand were tre ated by this flap The result showed 22 flaps were survived,one flap edge was partially nec rosed and was healed after changing dres sing Nineteen cases were followed up for one year,the sensation of the flap was found to be graded S4 Opponens function of the fingers was restored This suggerted the flap was easy to resect, which was an ideal f lap for repairing the degloving injury o f hand
出处 《山东医药》 CAS 北大核心 2001年第2期17-18,共2页 Shandong Medical Journal
关键词 手部皮肤撕脱伤 夹心皮瓣 修复 Degloving injury o f hand Sandwich flap Repair
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