
基于凸组合和Bar-Shalom-Campo的航迹融合算法研究 被引量:13

Research of track fusion based on convex combination and Bar-Shalom-Campo
摘要 在"当前"统计模型的基础上建立了匀加速运动模型,设定了目标的运动过程,考虑到实际应用的局限,利用自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波(AEKF)对目标的运动状态进行估计。为得到更加精确可靠的信息,利用凸组合融合算法和Bar-Shalom-Campo融合算法对目标航迹进行融合估计,并利用这三种方法对设定目标的运动情况进行仿真估计,给出仿真结果。 On the basis of the "current" statistical model uniformly accelerated motion model is established. It sets the tar- get movement process, considers the limitation of practical application, uses adaptive extended Kalman filtering to esti- mate target motion state. To obtain a more accurate and reliable information, by using convex combination fusion algo- rithm and Bar-Shalom-Campo fusion estimation of target track fusion algorithm, it sets a goal of movement simulation by using these three methods, estimates the simulation and shows the results.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2014年第2期49-53,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 水下信息处理及控制国家重点实验室项目(No.9140C230401120c23091)
关键词 匀加速运动模型 自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波 凸组合融合算法 Bar-Shalom-Campo融合算法 uniformly accelerated motion model adaptive extended Kalman filtering convex combination fusion algo-rithm Bar-Shalom-Campo fusion algorithm
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