
我国体育消费研究前沿与热点——基于科学知识图谱的可视化研究 被引量:18

On the Latest and Frontier Researches on China's Sports Consumption Scientific Knowledge Map by Visualization Research as the Basis
摘要 以中国知网(CNKI)数据库收录的核心期刊中有关体育消费的1 475条文献为考察对象,利用CiteSpaceⅡ软件对其标题、关键词和摘要等文献数据进行可视化分析,从科学知识图谱的视角探讨了体育消费研究中具有较大影响的作者与机构分布,梳理了体育消费研究热点与前沿。研究发现,体育消费研究热点已经由早期的现状调查、体育产业等逐渐向消费心理、消费行为、社会阶层及休闲体育等方面过渡,体育消费研究领域在不断拓宽,研究主题趋向多元化,理论及实证层面研究也在深入发展。 This paper, relying on1475 articles drawn from the Chinese Knowledge Net Database (CNKI) since 1996, uses Cite Space II software to conduct a visualization analysis of their tide, keywords and the literature and data. Through per- spective of scientific knowledge map, it is found that the study of sports consumption has great influence on the distribution of the author and institutions, thus it gives a thorough inspect of the sports consumption hotspot and front. The study find that the research hotspot of sports consumption is gradually transiting from investigation of current situation, sports industry to con- sumer psychology, consumer behavior, social class and leisure sports, the research field is broadening, and the research top- ics are tending to diversification and in - depth development of theoretical and empirical levels.
机构地区 西安体育学院
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期41-44,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金项目(10BTY018)
关键词 知识图谱 体育消费 可视化 knowledge map sports consumption visualization
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