多管降膜式三氧化硫磺化是生产合成洗涤剂原料的较为先进的生产工艺;在连续化生产过程中, 要实现对生产设备、生产过程、生产工艺、产品质量的监控,行之有效的方法是控制中和值; 实践证明, 通过对中和值的测定, 可以直接有效地反映膜式磺化各工艺参数的变化, 从而达到控制各参数的目的;
SO 3 multitube film type sulfonation is an advanced technology in the production of detergent. In practice, it was proved that neutralization value could reflect the change of parameters of the sulfonation. Consequently, it is an effective method to control neutralization value in the sequential production for monitoring the equipment, the process and the quality of product.
1999年第3期45-49, ,共5页
Journal of Beijing Institute of Light Industry