
《家具表面软/硬质覆面材料剥离强度的测定》行业标准解读 被引量:3

Interpretation on Standard of Peel Strength of Flexible or Rigid Overlaid Materials in Furniture Surface
摘要 随着科学技术的发展,应用于家具及其他木制品表面的覆面材料种类越来越多,要求越来越高。而行业标准QB/T 3655-1999《家具表面软质覆面材料剥离强度的测定》和QB/T 3656-1999《家具表面硬质覆面材料剥离强度的测定》是于1999年发布实施至今,其适用范围、有些技术要求已不能满足行业需要。为此,对这两个行业标准的修订过程和新近发布实施的QB/T 4448-2013《家具表面软质覆面材料剥离强度的测定》和QB/T 4449-2013《家具表面硬质覆面材料剥离强度的测定》标准的主要技术内容进行了解读。 With the development of science and technology, both the varieties and requirements of over- laid materials applied to the surfaces of furniture and wood products are increasing. Industry standards as QB/T 3655-1999 "Determination of peel strength of flexible overlaid materials in furniture surface" and QB/T 3656-1999 "Determination of Peel Strength of rigid overlaid materials in furniture surface" were implemented since 1999. The application scopes and some technical requirements of the two standards cannot satisfy the needs of furniture industry of the moment. Therefore, this paper summarized the revise procedure of two old standards and interpreted the key technical contents of two new industry standards as QB/T 4448-2013 and QB/T 4449-2013 corresponding to two old standards respectively. The authors also propose suggestions on how to understand and use the two new standards properly.
出处 《家具》 2014年第1期72-75,92,共5页 Furniture
关键词 家具 覆面材料 剥离强度 测试方法 标准 furniture overlaid material peel strength test method standard
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