
财富与需要的内生关系:对当前中国社会主要矛盾状况的经济哲学探究 被引量:15

The Endogenous Relationship between Wealth and Needs: An Economic Philosophical Study of the Principal Problems in Contemporary Chinese Society
摘要 社会主义初级阶段主要矛盾的性状已经发生了改变:自2000年以来的过剩经济表明,人民群众的物质需要已经能够得到满足;在解决结构性过剩问题的同时,现在应当把注意力转移到发展"文化生产"上来。为此,首先应当研究改革开放以来人们的财富观从效用财富观到货币财富观再到资本财富观的变化,用需要财富观取代货币财富观和资本财富观;其次要把客观的"需要"和主观的"想要"(偏好)区别开来,从人本价值观对货币价值观、资本价值观的超越方面,研究需要的层次和结构,以建立社会主义价值观体系,扬弃异化的需要;在此基础上,才能通过研究财富和需要内生关系的变化,重构社会主义和共产主义的价值观、世界观、人生观,并由此出发,建构针对中国社会主要矛盾的新"政治经济学批判"。 The characteristics of the principal problems at the primary stage of socialist society have changed: the surplus economy since 2000 shows the satisfaction of people's material needs; with the solution to structural surplus, culture production should be paid attention to now. Therefore, firstly, the transformation of the conception of wealth from utility to money and cap- ital should be studied and the wealth conceptions of money and capital should be replaced by the wealth conception of need; secondly, objective needs should be distinguished from subiective want (preference), and the levels and structure of needs from the perspective of the value concep- tion of human transcending the value conceptions of money and capital should be studied, to es- tablish a socialist value system and abandon alienated needs; thirdly, the socialist and communist values, worldview and life philosophy can be reconstructed through the study of the change in the relationship between wealth and needs, so new criticism of political economics concerning princi- pal problems in Chinese society can be built.
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期23-30,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 上海财经大学经济哲学研究中心课题"生态资本主义与生态社会主义的政治经济学批判"
关键词 财富观 需要 中国社会主要矛盾 价值观 政治经济学批判 conception of wealth need principal problem in Chinese society value concep-tion criticism of political economics
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